The Elegant Universe
Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest
for the Ultimate Theory
Brian Greene
Part I: The Edge of Knowledge
1. Tied Up with String
Part II: The Dilemma of Space, Time, and the Quanta
2. Space, Time and the Eye of the Beholder
3. Of Warps and Ripples
4. Microscopic Weirdness
5. The Need for a New Theory: General Relativity vs. Quantum
Part III: The Cosmic Symphony
6. Nothing but Music: The Essentials of Superstring Theory
7. The "Super" in Superstrings
8. More Dimensions Than Meet the Eye
9. The Smoking Gun: Experimental Signatures
Part IV: String Theory and the Fabric of Spacetime
10. Quantum Geometry
11. Tearing the Fabric of Space
12. Beyond Strings: In Search of M-Theory
13. Black Holes: A String/M-Theory Perspective
14. Reflections on Cosmology
Part V: Unification in the Twenty-First Century
15. Prospects